
#Lazy is a lifestyle and beauty blog that includes reviews, recommendations, information and basic blogging and social media tips written from the personal experiences, research and opinions of the blogger. This is great fun but does mean that nothing you read here should be taken as fact.

Terms of use

All information found on this blog is accurate, honest, researched and cited to the best of our ability, however omissions, errors or mistakes are possible, so any information followed from this blog should be done at your own risk. What you read in this blog may not be suitable for you, proceed with caution.

This is especially true with all beauty product reviews and recommendations. The blogger will only write about products they have personally used, however, what you read here is based on the experiences and opinions of the individual blogger and may not suit you. Do your own research to find out if it will work for you before buying or using any products seen here, and consider the information as one person's opinion.

Hold Harmless

All information, reviews, recommendations and tips expressed in this blog are written from the personal opinions and experiences of the blogger and does not represent or reflect the opinions of any brands that are affiliated with the blog or individual post - sponsored or otherwise.

All information, reviews, recommendations and tips found on this blog are for entertainment, informational or inspirational purposes only and should not be seen as factual or advice of any kind. Proceed at your own risk.

Professional Statement

This blogger is not a professional on any given topic included within this blog. Therefore any information, tips or recommendations should not be seen as professional advice. Always do your own research or seek out professionals before you follow anything seen within this blog. It may not suit you.


All imagery and written content within this blog are the property of/taken by the blogger for #Lazy unless stated otherwise - and in that case, will be credited/disclaimed. Original imagery and written content are not to be taken or used without permission and must be credited.

Affiliate links, Ads & Sponsorships

All affiliate links on this blog will earn the blogger a small commission/fee once clicked on and/or if purchases were made via the link. Individual affiliate links found within a blog post may be additionally disclosed at the end.

Other affiliate links found on this blog include Shopstyle Collective widgets which earn the blogger a small fee once a product is clicked on.

All paid sponsorship's will be disclosed in the appropriate blog post and will follow the below terms and definitions:

  • Sponsored Post or AD: the blogger was paid to write the post, mention a product or mention a company.

  • PR product: the blogger was not paid to mention the product or company, but was gifted/sent a product for free.

#Lazy is not responsible for the actions of the sponsors, advertisers or affiliated brands. If you have purchased from a brand mentioned within a sponsored post or via an affiliate link, you must take action with the company.

Reservation of rights

The blogger reserves the right to change the focus of the blog, the focus of individual content, take the blog or specific content down, change how it is managed, sell it or change the terms of use at any time, at their discretion. The blogger also reserves the right to change their mind regarding any opinion expressed within the blog and reserves the right to express honest opinions of any sponsored product reviews.

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